and thank you!
My name is Derek Stuart, and I am proud to be an Identity Governance Administration (IGA) professional. I was born April 20,1993 in Winston-Salem, NC. I moved to France in the late 90's with my parents where I lived for four and a half years and then I moved back to the U.S. in the early 2000's where I have lived ever since. I currently reside in Portsmouth, VA, but am willing to relocate depending on the opportunity. Please take a second to browse through this website where I have linked my certifications, my resume, some examples of my work, etc. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!
Competent in:
User Access Reviews
Procedural Writing
Risk Assessments
Social links:
The information technology age is awesome; it allows us to do and see stuff we've only dreamt about in the past, but it is also terrifying. It leaves us more exposed and at risk than we've ever been in the past. A huge security door has been opened, and my hope is that I can help close that door.
"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death."
~Albert Einstein
"Motivation will almost always beat mere talent."
~Norman Augustin
Most recently I graduated from Old Dominion University, where I attended from 2017-2018, with a Bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity. I chose this path because I've always been interested in technology and security.